The Morris Ring was formed in 1934 and is an association of 180 morris, sword and mummers clubs and teams. It was originally set up as a Drupal 7 website in 2011, with a large volume of content imported from a collection of static web pages. 

It has numerous features, taking advantage of the strength of Drupal's content types, with dedicated structure for news articles, pages both public and restricted, documents both public and restricted, member side details, area representative details, officers details, events, traditions and tunes.

Multiple display types are provided, such as the events listing and calendar display and the map displaying member side locations using geocoding of postal addresses. Different morris 'traditions' are displayed, along with lists of the accompanying music, with playable sound clips and sheet music provided as PDF documents. Each member side has contact details for the primary contact, and this is used to send emails automatically with a bulk email feature.

The website was upgraded to Backdrop CMS in April 2023.

The latest version of the website was launched in March 2023.

Support provided from October 2011 to current date.

Live website: